

The Water Hashira Giyu Tomioka – The Reason for Half-and-Half Haori

The popularity of the Water Hashira Giyu Tomioka and the reason for his half-and-half Haori explained

Demon Slayer – the story takes place in Tokyo

Location for Kimetsu no Yaiba in TOKYO: a mapping of characters' birth places and the locations for episodes.

The Love Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji: Pink and lime green hair comes from rice cakes

Relation between the hair color of Mitsuri Kanroji and Japanese rice cake Sakuramochi

The Sound Hashira Tengen Uzui from a family of SHINOBI

The past of The Sound Hashira Tengen Uzui and SHINOBI (Ninja) explained

Why are there 9 Hashira in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba?

The reasons of the number "9" and the difference of Hashira's Nichirin Blade explained.

Taisho Secret: Yellow and Red Hair of The Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku

The Rengoku House and the reason for the hair color of Kyojuro Rengoku explained

Key facts on the Demon Slayer Corps

Organization, Final Selection, Ranks, Kasugai Crow, Nichirin Blade are explained.